In the wake of last month’s shooting at a Pensacola, Florida air base, 21 members of the Saudi military are being kicked out of the U.S.
Attorney General William Barr said the Saudi cadets were in possession of jihadist material and child pornography, but are not accused of helping the 21-year-old Saudi Air Force lieutenant who shot up the base last month.
At a news conference on Monday, Barr said that the shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola was an “act of terrorism.” Three sailors were killed and eight others were wounded in the attack that took place on December 6th. (BBC)
Hot Takes:
- The FBI is trying to unlock two iPhones belonging to the gunman, but Apple so far has not been much help.
- Apple and the FBI also butted heads over unlocking a shooter’s phone in a 2016 case.
- According to Barr, the conduct of the cadets was “unbecoming an officer in the Saudi Royal Air Force and Royal Navy.”