Dennis Quaid is eager to marry his 26-year-old fiancée. The 65-year-old actor cannot afford to wait too long. Quaid is in his sunset years.
His fiancée, Laura Savoie, started dress shopping the day after he popped the question. She set the wedding plan wheels in motion and he’s ready to tie the knot, right now.
Quaid said, “You gotta do it in a year, right? And if you go past a year without getting married, then you’re suspect. That’s basic etiquette.” (Entertainment Tonight)
He surprised her with a proposal during a Hawaiian vacation. “Yes” was her only reasonable response. Either Laura Savoie was following her heart — or she took the ring rather than ruin the vacation. (Us Weekly)
Hot Takes:
- Quaid’s fiancée is younger than his son, Jack Quaid.
- The Quaids’ Thanksgiving family dinner ought to be interesting with young Laura and Jack and his newly single mother, Meg Ryan.
- What’s your cut-off age? How many years older is just too old?