Austin Eubanks, a survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting who went on to speak around the country about drug addiction and recovery, was found dead at his Colorado home on Saturday. He was 37.
Eubanks was shot in the hand and knee on April 20th, 1999. As he was recovering in the hospital, he was given opioids which he quickly became addicted to. He struggled with his addiction throughout most of his 20s as he says it helped with his physical and emotional pain.
He eventually beat addiction and devoted his time to traveling around the country speaking about addiction. An autopsy will be performed today to determine the cause of his death. (Fox News)
Hot Takes:
- That’s so incredibly sad.
- He was 17 when the shooting occurred and it’s clear that he never really recovered from that horrible day.
- Eubanks was shot while hiding underneath a table in the school’s library. Others around him, including his best friend, were killed.