Kenny Bryant, a Mississippi man, is alleging that Robert Kelly. AKA (R. Kelly) had a 5 year long affair with his wife. Asia Childress. The plaintiff and Childress lived as husband and wife, at least until she was given Chlamydia from R. Kelly. YES!! You heard correct!!! CHLAMYDIA!! Looks like she was riding way more than just in his Jeep! Kenny Bryant alleges “R. Kelly” infected his wife during 6 month period between October 2012 and February 2013, during which time Childress and Bryant were not having sex. Bryant said he knew of their relationship prior to their wedding, in July 2012. He also says his soon to be (Ex) wife convinced him to move to Atlanta. Only for every time R. Kelly had a concert in a near but state, Childress would disappear to spend the with her lover. What kind of stuff is that!? Childress, who’s a school teacher In Jackson Public School District has filed for a divorce and deleted her Facebook account since the breaking news of the lawsuit has heated up! There has been no word from R. Kelly regarding the lawsuit or his friendly magic stick that gives the gift of giving. Nasty situation but I’ll keep you updated on this madness as it becomes available.