A state championship is an achievement that neither the players or coaches will ever forget. All you have to do is spend an afternoon at any barbershop in the hood and somebody will talk about how great their team was their senior year etc. Translation, it’s a big deal. When you think about the times we live in with tension between young Black men and police departments all across the country, seeing a group of young Black men being led to the ultimate prize by a strong Black man is a sight to behold! Why? Because many in the media and society act as if men like Coach Hartwell don’t exist. Yes, we do exist and we father many boys who aren’t ours by any blood relationship. That’s why we should continue to celebrate this championship. That’s why sports matter. My hats off to the Washington-Marian for creating a legacy that will be remembered and more importantly taking all of the lessons that they learned on the court with them for the rest of the longest game they will ever play- life.
State Champions!!