“When you give black voices a platform and the opportunity to tell our story, we will tell good stories just like anybody else,” – Jordan Peele
“Get Out” shocked people at first glance, when the trailer was released in October 2016. Within hours, the movie clip went viral with viewers not knowing WHAT THE HELL they had just seen! Racism, interracial relationships, satire, conspiracy and white privilege were all showcased in a short 2 minutes, which lit the internet on FIRE.
Fast forward to present day, April 2017, and Get Out is still in the TOP 10 at the box office after almost 2 months in theaters. The movie has been deemed one of the best of the year and earned Peele that title of the 1st african american writer/director to earn more than $100 million on his first film.
“The power of story and the power of a well-crafted film or television show is really all you need to speak to people,” Peele said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “I think Hollywood is sort of catching up to that. We’re at the beginning of a renaissance where people are realizing black films can not only work at the box office, but they can work because there’s been a void.”
Unfortunately Jordan said he is retiring his career with sketch comedy, but he is doing so in order to focus on writing, producing and directing.
“We’re at the beginning of a renaissance where people are realizing black films can not only work at the box office, but they can work because there’s been a void.”
Jordan’s pursuit to achieve something outside of comfort is so inspiring, and his success is proof that there is always a way to be successful in impacting the masses. He has created a whole new lane for screenwriters and I can’t wait to see what comes next! Congratulations again to Jordan Peele.
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